Friday, September 17, 2010

what are input output devices for computers to aid folks near disabilities?


you can buy a mic and some voice discovery software they are really handy for people next to disabilities
You can do a web rummage through for companies that have special equipment for disabled relations, but be warned. You will pay envelope sometimes 2 or 3 times the amount of money for a "disabled ready" device than you would something you could pick up at WalMart. I even found once, the trackball that we got for my sister(she have cerebral palsy) for around $20 at Best Buy, the disabled supplies company was selling for $50. The same exact model. I suggest looking at what they enjoy to offer, later go to a legally large electronics store (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc...) and see if you can find equal or similar thing in that. Here is one company I found in a immediate internet search. It also depends on what disabilities you are chitchat about and how severe they are.

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